Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast

678: 7 Horrible Habits That Are Secretly Ruining Your Life

Colossus Fitness

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In this video we go over 7 horrible habits that are secretly ruining your life.

These are things that you likely won't notice day to day, but can make a huge difference on your journey long term.

Time stamps:

1 (00:35) - Immediately checking social media when you wake up

  • this causes anxiety and interrupts your natural wake-up
  • don't go in your phone for at least an hour after

2 (01:46) - Using TV/videos as background noise constantly

  • this trains your brain to require dopamine at all times
  • normalise silent times to let your brain relax and unwind

3 (04:24) - Saying yes to things to people please

  • this is sapping all of your mental energy
  • normalise saying 'no' to things that you don't want to do

4 (05:15) - Living in "someday" mode rather than taking action

  • procrastination is killing your potential
  • build the habit of starting things right away

5 (07:16) - Only spending time with those that leave you feeling comfortable

6 (09:21) - Mindlessly scrolling in bed

  • this will mess up your sleep because of the blue light
  • make your bed a 'phone free zone', read instead

7 (10:26) - Avoiding trying out of fear of failure

  • don't be afraid to fail- instead, actively seek it out
  • every failure means that you're closer to success

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