Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast

676: 7 Nutrition MISTAKES That Are Making You Fat & Unhealthy

Colossus Fitness

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Summary of episode:

Listed points:

  1. (01:00) Not hydrating enough
  2. (03:24) Snacking (OR switch to vegetables and protein)
  3. (05:11) Not eating Whole foods -foods that are either not processed at all, or processed minimally. -Examples include whole grains, legumes, fresh fruits and vegetables.
  4. (06:20) Not enough protein - 1 gram per lb of your goal weight in protein
  5. (07:47) If eating out, learn how to do it properly
    -Burrito bowls, subs, logging ingredients 1 by 1 etc
  6. (08:47) Not logging - Keep a daily log of the # of calories entering your body & pre-log
  7. (09:56) Eating nonsense calories.

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