Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast

665: Motivation Monday - Highest ROI Resolutions, Get Rid Of Skinny Fat & Best Fat Loss Supplements

Colossus Fitness

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Welcome to Motivation Monday, where every Monday we answer all of your questions and have some real talks about life & fitness & get you fired up for the week! In this episode we talk about the highest ROI resolutions, how to get rid of skinny fat & best fat loss supplements.

(00:25) - Question 1 - Highest ROI resolutions you’ve made for lasting results?
(12:48) - Josh quote: “You can’t grow muscle without pain. You can’t find wisdom without failure. You can’t build confidence without looking foolish and embarrassing yourself. All growth has an inherent sacrifice to it.”
Kyle quote: “If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.”
What has us excited or intrigued:
Client shoutout (20:29): Jess w/ coach Jason
Question 2 (22:31) - I’ve noticed that I’ve got really skinny arms, but my belly sticks out a lot. Would you start by trying to focus on “bulking” or “cutting” first with a “skinny-fat” body?
Question 3 (28:57) - Best fat loss supps? I’m looking to buy some for the new year

Thanks for listening! We genuinely appreciate every single one of you listening.

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