Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast

664: 10 Ways To Become Fitter, Healthier & Happier In 2025

Colossus Fitness

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Summary of episode:

Listed points:

  1. (00:39) Control yourself long enough to do what must be done. Stop living your life doing what you “feel” like doing. Live in line with how you WISH you lived, not how you want to live in the moment.
  2. (03:21) Break bad daily habits - Starbucks orders, over caffeinating, doomsday scrolling in the morning/night.
  3. (06:48) Cook more. Limit eating out. 
  4. (09:07) Selling yourself short in the gym - aiming for 2 reps shy, might be 4 shy.
  5. (10:56) Have things you’re looking forward to, that inspire you to actually grow. Avoid living a groundhog day.
  6. (12:28) Get some REAL accountability. High chance most people have no one willing to call them out.
  7. (14:36) See things through - stop setting goals and failing them. 100 people walk the path, very few see it through. Start seeing things through. Figure things out. Accept failure.
  8. (16:30) Focus on proper habit creation.
  9. (18:13) Start in January.
    Start in your 40s.
    Start on Friday.
    Start at 5 pm.
    Start on 31st.
    Start late.
  10. (18:26) Stick to the basics.

Thanks for listening! We genuinely appreciate every single one of you listening.
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